If you choose a non toxic nutritional treatment for cancer and you wish to incorporate Laetrile into it, below are some ways that may help:
1. With the guidance of a medical practitioner who is open to natural therapies, you can arrange to import the laetrile and associated vitamins and enzymes yourself. Under their guidance and/or through your own research you can have your doctor administer the B17 for you. If they need advice on on best practices try and conference a call with a doctor from the Oasis hospital in Mexico who may be able to help.
You can also follow the treatment plan in Dr Philip Binzels book “Alive & Well” who’s protocol has been very successful in treating cancer. You can purchase this book from our online shop
Phillip Days book “Cancer why were dying to know the truth” , is an excellent resource and has a very good detailed plan on using B17 as an alternative treatment program. You can purchase this book from our online shop.