This section addresses everything you wanted to know about the laetrile-cyanide connection. We all know that cyanide is bad for you, yet here we are jumping up and down saying its good for you because it kills cancer. Lets look at the real story.
This section assumes you read the previous section How does B17 kill Cancer.
Hydrogen Cyanide must be FORMED!! There is no free Hydrogen Cyanide in laetrile floating around freely in our body waiting to harm us when we eat apricot seeds or take laetrile. The enzyme Beta-Glucosidase, and only that enzyme is capable of manufacturing and forming the Hydrogen Cyanide from Laetrile. If there are no cancer cells in the body, there is no beta-glucosidase. If there is no beta-glucosidase, no hydrogen cyanide will be formed from laetrile. Even if there were some other way to manufacture cyanide from laetrile in the body, the amount would be so minute it would have little, if any toxic effect. (see How does B17 kill Cancer?)
Laetrile does on the other hand contain the cyanide radical (CN-). So does Vitamin B12 , Cassava and strawberries and a host of other foods we consume. You never heard of anyone getting cyanide poison from vitamin B12 or from eating strawberries because it just does not happen. Lets also look at table salt which is made up of sodium Chloride (NaCl) and is very common in most households. Yet, did you know pure sodium (Na+) is one of the most toxic substances known to man? Yet in their form locked together they are not toxic. Any good toxicologist will tell you sugar is 20 times more toxic than laetrile and salt is also much more toxic.
Now, here is the irony of all of this. Milligram for milligram, the chemotherapeutic agents which are commonly used in the treatment of cancer today, are hundreds of times more toxic than laetrile.
Nuff said.
Oh and by the way…. many tests have been done where laetrilists have injected themselves with extremely large doses of laetrile to prove it is not toxic. In these cases the main side effect was generally found to be excessive sleep.
LATEST NEWS – British Scientists use Cyanide to attack cancer cells !!!
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